We’ve brought our popular Phonics Fridays to our blog page!
Now, all of our fun, friendly, fabulous and free information can be archived and accessed more easily!
It’s Phonics Friday with Your Friends on the Safari!
Read to your child early and introduce Expeditions to Excellence…
Join our mission to educate, advocate, facilitate, communicate, accelerate and emancipate your young child! Emancipate? Yes! Children who learn to read well have a special kind of freedom. They have the freedom to learn for a lifetime and they enjoy freedom of opportunity and choice. It all begins with reading and reading should begin early.
It’s Fun!
Reading Expeditions 1 through 8 comprise what we like to call our “Ready for Excellence system. Our songs, teaching videos, audio guide lessons, funsheets and board games are perfect to introduce to the youngest of eager and curious learners. And, don’t forget – reading and writing are very different skills. To get started in our system, a child does not need to know how to write or even hold a pencil! This allows children to master our funsheets just by pointing to the correct answers. So, sign up your young learner today and begin the safari. We have 75 exciting Reading Expeditions to master, but it all begins with these first eight important foundational concepts! Are you ready for excellence?
It’s Friendly!
Being ready for excellence means that we are fighting illiteracy together! Illiteracy affects everyone. When an individual can not function at school, fill out a job application, understand a bus schedule, get help from the Internet, or administer medicine or baby formula to a child. In short, if an individual cannot read, he or she has little chance of succeeding in basic life endeavors. The future of America, therefore, depends on the ability of its citizens to read proficiently.
For quite a number of years, public school systems taught students to read using a method known as “Whole Language” which relied heavily on guessing, memorizing and trying to predict words. This was found to be highly ineffective and proven phonics methodologies were brought back into the classrooms. Expeditions to Excellence is a fun and friendly approach that is animated, energized and impactful. Any parent, teacher, older sibling, mentor or volunteer can easily implement the entire system. Sixteen different safari animals represent levels of achievement along the way. Print what you need! It’s all right at your fingertips!
It’s Fabulous!
Our core values of Partnering with Experts, Empowerment through Knowledge, Practicality, Compassion-in-Action, Serving Parents Directly, Focus and Excellence make our system great. Our goal is to mobilize parents and educators so that they can mobilize children and others toward literacy for all. Each child’s future and the success of America depends on reading well. Reading well depends on effective curricula, based in sound-letter relationships (phonics). Be excellent! Don’t let anything stand in your way.
It’s Free!
Our program is always free. Why do we provide our exclusive literacy system to millions of children around the globe at no cost? Because literacy is the foundation of all education and is critical to the future of our nation. How do we do it? With the help of people like you who call on us to help with all of your real estate needs, anywhere across America and especially in Colorado! We personally fund 100% of the costs associated with the Expeditions to Excellence – Fun and Friendly Phonics Safari!